Up to 45 minutes of shooting at a local destination. you will receive 25-30 edited images, delivered in a beautiful gallery with full printing rights
up to 2 hours of shooting, within the first 14 days of birth. you will receive 25-30 images delivered in a beautiful gallery with full printing rights.
Are you just starting out in your business venture? Let's chat on how we can make your business stand out from the rest.
Contact me
Why do you only do local destinations?
What is your turn around time?
do you have a cancellation policy?
What kind of gear do you use?
Do I have to order prints through you?
simply put, because of time. I am a mama to two little ones and I try to work my sessions around their schedule as well.
I do my best to have your images to you within 2 weeks!
yes, we cancel for sickness or for rain. cloudy overcast weather is actually great for photoshoots!
I use Nikon! I was trained on Cannon in school but I've been a Nikon girl ever since the start.
Nope! I give you full printing rights, but I strongly recommend you use my suggested print shops.